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Big Bohemian Dreamcatcher, Gypsy Decor, Native American Dreamcatcher

Big Bohemian Dreamcatcher, Gypsy Decor, Native American Dreamcatcher

Regular price $217.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $217.00 USD
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This decoration in bohemian style designs to bring an immersive atmosphere into your home, bedroom, yoga studio, hotel or resort, sacred space or chill areas.


The gypsy decorations of Borderlight are organic and inspired by the 5 natural elements, they are created with the power of crystals and minerals by combining selected feathers and wooden sticks intentionally hand picked to be afterwards carved and shaped.

Perfect for a lovely gift, for a wedding, stunning piece to hang near a window, wall décor for your bedroom or living room, brings grounding energy and creates a magic home protection for you and all of your loved ones ♥

The gold coin is Athena, she was the Olympian goddness of wisdom and good counsel, the defence of towns, heroic endeavor, weaving, pottery and various other crafty.

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L: 100 cm

W: 40 cm the round shape + 75cm in total

D: 20 cm
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Le decorazioni in stile gypsy di Borderlight sono organiche e ispirate dai 5 elementi naturali e sono create con il potere magico dei cristalli e minerali, piume selezionate e legno intenzionalmente raccolto nei boschi e successivamente intagliato e lavorato a mano.

Perfette per un regalo speciale, sono decorazioni in stile bohemian per il tuo matrimonio, per la tua camera da letto o salotto, trasmettono energia grounding ai tuoi riti quotidiani e creano un' atmosfera di protezione e benessere. ♥

Nella medaglia dorata è raffigurata dea Athena della mitologia greca, protettrice delle arti, dei mestieri e della saggezza.
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